Pulse by Sengled LED light bulb offers lighting and music in any room

A company called Sengled has unveiled an interesting new LED light bulb called the Pulse. The bulb will fit into most light sockets and provides green LED lighting good for thousands and thousands of hours. Pulse also has another cool feature; it allows you to stream music to an internal speaker.

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That means you can add energy efficient lighting to any room and wireless audio capability at the same time. Bluetooth is used to synchronize the Pulse bulb to your smartphone or tablet for streaming music. JBL multi channel speakers are used inside the bulb for high quality sound.

Music is controlled via an app that is available for Android or iOS devices. You can also stream music to the bulb from your PC. Pulse comes in sets of two bulbs with a master bulb and a satellite bulb. The set of two sells for $169.99 and are good for 25,000 hours. Sengled plans to upgrade the master in the future to support seven satellite bulbs.

By: Shane McGlaun

ARTICLE URL: http://www.tweaktown.com/news/37215/pulse-by-sengled-led-light-bulb-offers-lighting-and-music-in-any-room/index.html


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